• IN PROGRESS kableExtra::collapse_rows version 1.3.4 doesn’t work properly causing issues for univariable_table HTML output. This release will require the latest version of that package once it is available on CRAN with the fix.

  • IN PROGRESS Updating usage of dplyr functions to conform to most recent syntax best practices

  • Updated functionality for cases when custom functions for “other” data types are used in univariate_table. Previously, these functions only picked up the summary values (i.e. it treated it as if it were a single summary statistic). Now, if the desired function produces a named vector as the result, the names (i.e. factor levels) will be attached and added to the result as is done for categorical data types.

Fixed a bug that caused the wrong ordering of columns in the result of univariate_table when there was more than nine (9) columns

Changes to existing functions

  • absorb

    • The print argument was renamed to trace
  • descriptives

    • The na.rm and useNA arguments are no longer required for additional functions
    • Added na_string argument to for filling in NA result names
    • Removed leading dots (e.g. .value) from result columns
    • Added dedicated columns for the data type a function was evaluated for, and the names of a result
    • Function, column, and result attributes have fun_, col_, and val_ prefixes, respectively
  • divide

    • Default behavior is now to split to a multi-level list depending on the number of split variables
    • Control over the depth at which the list is split to
    • Select split variables unquoted, quoted, or with select helpers as in dplyr::select()
    • Control over whether unused split combinations are dropped with the drop argument
    • Control over whether stratification variables are removed from the split frames with the remove argument
  • stratiply

    • User is in charge of binding back together (e.g. with fasten)
  • stretch

    • The keep argument is removed
    • The keys argument is replaced with key and send argument replaced with value
    • Extracting keys from the header is now done with grable().
  • typly

    • Removed the keep argument
  • type_match

    • Changed function name to some_type
  • univariate_table

    • Default access to 25th and 75th percentiles for string templates with "q1" and "q3", respectively
    • Uses "median (q1, q3)" as the default string template for numeric variables
    • Columns identified as other are not displayed by default
    • Stratification variables are displayed as a hierarchy, and the sample size is always shown for the lowest group
    • Row stratification variables are displayed consistently across rendering types to maintain headers

New functions

  • depths finds the unique depth(s) of elements in a list that satisfy a predicate
  • depths_string finds paths and locations of elements that satisfy a predicate
  • fasten takes a divided data frame and binds it back together
  • grable makes a knitr::kable with stacked headers
  • muddle randomly permutes some or all of the columns of a data frame

Minor update to documentation

Minor update to documentation

Initial CRAN release