Imports a dataset from the CMS Provider Data Catalog given a dataset identifier.
datasetid = NULL,
A dataset identifier. Used only if the download URL is not specified.
Additional arguments passed to readr::read_csv
datasetid = "qqw3-t4ie"
#> Rows: 19 Columns: 10
#> ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> Delimiter: ","
#> chr (5): Measure ID, Measure Name, Number of Hospitals Too Few, Start Date, ...
#> dbl (4): National Rate, Number of Hospitals Worse, Number of Hospitals Same,...
#> lgl (1): Footnote
#> ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
#> ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
#> # A tibble: 19 × 10
#> `Measure ID` `Measure Name` `National Rate` `Number of Hos…` `Number of Hos…`
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 COMP_HIP_KN… Rate of compl… 2.4 36 2668
#> 2 MORT_30_AMI Death rate fo… 12.3 12 2120
#> 3 MORT_30_CABG Death rate fo… 2.9 17 921
#> 4 MORT_30_COPD Death rate fo… 8.1 53 3352
#> 5 MORT_30_HF Death rate fo… 11.2 126 3074
#> 6 MORT_30_PN Death rate fo… 15.3 221 3600
#> 7 MORT_30_STK Death rate fo… 13.5 89 2168
#> 8 PSI_03 Pressure ulce… 0.59 200 3065
#> 9 PSI_04 Death rate am… 159. 34 1489
#> 10 PSI_06 Iatrogenic pn… 0.23 13 3319
#> 11 PSI_08 In-hospital f… 0.1 0 3326
#> 12 PSI_09 Perioperative… 2.55 25 2999
#> 13 PSI_10 Postoperative… 1.42 16 2753
#> 14 PSI_11 Postoperative… 5.03 50 2677
#> 15 PSI_12 Perioperative… 3.63 90 2922
#> 16 PSI_13 Postoperative… 4.9 36 2678
#> 17 PSI_14 Postoperative… 0.86 1 2691
#> 18 PSI_15 Abdominopelvi… 1.2 39 2949
#> 19 PSI_90 CMS Medicare … 1 148 3180
#> # … with 5 more variables: `Number of Hospitals Better` <dbl>,
#> # `Number of Hospitals Too Few` <chr>, Footnote <lgl>, `Start Date` <chr>,
#> # `End Date` <chr>